Thursday, September 28, 2006

Its been a real long time since I posted on my blog. Consequently, I have come to realize that if I don’t blog for sometime then it is very difficult for me to blog again for a longtime. Well, there were lotsa things happening this month and I just preferred to lie down and think about them as opposed to writing about them down, do I sound ridiculous? In that case it would be quite fine if we just say that I was a wee-bit lazy. However I did make a few changes like changed the template (I know you noticed!!).
'FACETS' happened this month and my heart is swollen with pride (wow! now, that was quite a line). It is our first attempt to come out with a newsletter and it turned out to be simply splendid.
I thought about this a lot but talking about newsletter and reporting and stuff I just feel like sharing my thoughts with you… we have been talking a lot about the journalism and its power. We have learnt or more appropriately, we have been taught that journalists must correct people- politicians, businessmen or anyone for that matter by bringing to surface their works and dealings. We have these variegated elements of the sweet dreams of journalism. But honestly, why does something like that not happen in college reporting?
To report, then, in college about anything and everything that we feel is unjust is simply not possible. There is so much to worry about. For instance, how do we as a whole class put out our grievances about any teacher without ruining our image? (Oh! forget about the evaluation forms, we do not know the outcome for sure). Of late, there has been more than just a glimpse of the other side of the college- partial teachers, unreasonable marks, our doubts not being clarified and not to forget the insensate comments thrown at us. Such things seriously spoil the whole ‘fun and learn’ system in college.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


The month of august was very busy and taxing- exam, assignments, presentations, newsletter work and of course the play practice. However, the most enjoyable thing I did over the month was …hmm…oh! I watched ‘cars’ (yup the movie ‘cars’). Now, this is a movie I strongly recommend. Its such a cute movie, it is also very sensible and funny (of course!). Lightening McQueen is for sure the hero of the ‘gen nex’ (or should it be the car of the next generation?). Anyhow, I thought the ingenuity and creativity that has gone into the movie is really amazing. You would agree with me atleast if you saw the cows, houseflies and even “lightnings biggest fan” and the two twins. Now, talking about cars, I just happened to remember a dream of mine. I dreamt of something really vague (its funny when I think about it though...) may be it was a result of lack of sleep or my liking towards cars or maybe just usual stupidity. This is how it goes...
It was sunny day and I go to some office for a job interview. The people in the office were peculiarly dressed in bright yellow clothes like those scientists in the movie ‘evolution’. I sit through the whole session and then in the end the interviewer tells me that one of the main job criterion is to know horse riding or atleast riding a chariot (the best part is yet to come). All of a sudden I start riding a horse and there is a trainer who is completely enthralled with my horse riding skills. For some reason, the name of my horse was no Black Beauty or Tyra but it was ‘Lightening’, I know it sounds very similar but the full name is Lightening McSpeed. Paradoxically it was not covered with fur but instead it was clothed in snake skin (yup... the ssssandy sssway). It had a long bushy tail- it would resemble Pegasus except for the snake skin. The trainer could speak only one word- ‘heya’ (go) but funnily in my dream it meant stop. I was soon disturbed by some howling dog on the road and could not sleep any longer (which means I did not dream any longer…).
The same day, out of curiosity, I logged into and typed horse riding- this is what the interpretation was “to ride horses could mean that you lack integrity and are carried away by dreams.” Now people, since that is not appropriate in my case I typed just ‘horses’ and finally the correct interpretation was given-“it means you will achieve success and fame!!”
I shall now jus stop writing about dreams and get back to reality and the newsletter work. Oh! And ofcourse the success and fame….