Monday, May 14, 2007

Whose cup of T?

Call me whatever, but the fashion industry lures me. I love those strappy heels, designer bags, laces and layers and mind you- even polka dots. I am a person who sees life in pink as far as the fashion is alive. I don’t see the point when people complain so much about fashion, modeling or even skimpy clothes for that matter, I never did!
But here I go, for the first time to say this- It is a little difficult but inevitable for me to say that the fashion fraternity is now playing along with the other major billion dollar industry- PORN. I am not talking about leather bras or thongs but it is something out in the open, something more obvious and totally wannabe.
The other day, I saw a girl in Forum, wearing a T-shirt that read, “sex instructor- first lesson free!” well, I have seen similar captions before- “porn horn” or “pop my cherry” and I can say for sure that ‘fashion’ has gone for an overdrive. It is nice to read some good captions on tees but this is something else. The first thing that hit my mind was, was she trying to tell people that she was good in bed? Or that she was nasty? Or wanted to be the sex symbol around? Or just loves Rakhi Sawant and the fame that goes with it? (I remember, Rakhi Sawant too gave an interview wearing a t-shirt that said “temptress”). There are a lot of teenagers who truly, madly, deeply believe that it is trendy to announce their potential on bed (whether they are even close to it is the flipside!!!). One would find it easy to have a handle on all of this crap after two years in Jain College. Even if they did try to be bold by flaunting such captions, I wish they realized that not a single porn star would be wearing such t-shirts!
Giving it a second thought, I think such fashion is male oriented fashion. Why does one wear such clothes bearing captions that crave for immediate male approval or acceptance? One unconsciously depends on the recognition of the male. I am sure most of the girls who wear such ‘bold’ captions might not even be half as sexy, and could by and large be virgins- forget about the sex instructor! Why do people go out of their way trying silly and bizarre things in public just to get noticed and blatantly express their sexuality? This inturn, provides the porn industry with a dexterous respectability. Ask me and I would rather respect the pornstars. I would wear some t-shirt that says something about mr or has some humorous saying rather than say “hi! Thump me!” And to think of the fact that people in a huge mall glare at someone who is wearing a company t-shirts (like Infosys or Wipro) because it seems like he has nothing else to wear is absolutely crazy.
I wish I could ignore this by calling it a cheap sales gimmick by a few small shops and wannabe local haute couture’s in the narrow bargain streets of the city but it is way beyond that. It is bigger than that, many such T-shirts not only have a nasty slogan but they also have a label. There was a t-shirt in the famous teen brand Wrangler that read “treasure CHEST- Dig in!” and other brands like Spyker that had captions like “free tonight!” or “I am not perfect but bits of me is beauty.”
I know people have the right to wear what they want, and they should indeed. It is overstated and understood that choices differ and the fashion industry should cater to it all. It is hard for you or me to deny this statement because it involves lump sum money from their kitty and we are no more talking about the niche, ignorable sector who are amused by these poignant and low slogans but we talk now, of the growing fashionistas. It is a section of people who are only growing by the minute and go unnoticed simply because they are everywhere. We can’t do much about it; the fashion gurus and brands cannot do anything about it. Or can we?
Well, I can go on and on about this but you get the point!

Friday, May 04, 2007

It has been a short while now since i started learning french. In each class we write a short essay or a poem for about five lines in whatever broken language we know using the little vocabulary we have learnt. I think i should call it my 'first poems' instead of 'first french poems because i think it is my first ever concrete poem i have written apart from the kiddish- 'i have a fish, that lives in a dish' or 'untie my hair, do it with care...'
Okay, incase your good at french you better ignore the errors especially the axions that have just disappeared from many alphabets. Our teacher does he same. She treats us like small kids- whatever errors we commit, she patiently corrects them all and we would probably have a million red marks on the page but still she would generously write a 'tres bein', 'superbe' or 'excellente' at the end (awwwww!!).
So here goes...
Toutes les personnes je connais
Mes chiens- le que j’aime.
La cuisine que je mange
L’aire que je sent.
Les moments de joie
Les moments de tristesse.
Fait ma vie une belle place.

All the people i know
My dogs that i love
The food i eat
The air i breathe
The moments of joy
The moments of sorrow
Make my life a beautiful place.

Le soleil se levers
Le soleil se coucher
Mais ici, rien des changers!
Les nations toujours combattre,
Les personnes toujours pleurer.

Which means :
The sun comes up
The sun goes down.
But here, nothing changes.
Nations still fight,
People still fight.
Well, i know the second one is very pessimistic, very meloncholic and very unlike me. this is how it worked- the teacher asked us to write a poem using any of these topics as a theme- sun, moon, stars or night. i could only think of this. hmmm...weird but i wonder why i wrote this also. But I am happy about it. ;-)
The theme for the first one was however any word we learnt in the days class. We had learnt 'life' and 'beautiful'. And then after some thinking(which i do not do normally) and translation of randm words (that i thought would rhyme) ..... the poem evolved!! funny so I had added a 'hehe' at the end of the first poem, and the teacher scratched it out. really, what is wrong with people not being able to appreciate a 4 letter word which is cute for a change!
[here goes- hehe ;-) ]