Friday, December 29, 2006

BRANGELINA IN INDIA...the final take!

A short while ago, If I could coherently recall, I was checking my mail and happened to read this on MSN Today, “Brangelina in Pune- shooting for Mighty Heart.” Wow! I thought, the world’s hottest couple just miles away. Moreover I happen to be a fan of Brad Pitt (Well that’s not something new, is it?). I felt happy about their visit to India and wished I was there to have a glimpse of them (read-glimpse of Brad!). It’s nice isn’t it? As something like this does not happen every now and then. I in fact thought that they would like India country as we are very welcoming and they appeared to be the down-to-earth kind of people- little did I know that the recent spurt of happenings would make me change these views to a large extent. It might be late but I still need to rethink my outlook towards such ‘stars’ shooting in India.
Day after day, I read many reports about their activities and saw pictures of them in the local dailies (quite predictably, it’s another story for them). Firstly, I thought that they might be glad to get such attention from the press and the people even in a new country. On the other hand, I knew that it must be exasperating for them to be hounded by the media and mobbed by autograph seekers each time they walk out of their hotel. Undoubtedly, it was getting a little annoying that we have got to make them feel so important amid us.
Strikingly, one morning, ‘Brangelina’ hit the headlines on the front page. I did not bother to look at it presuming that it would be the same ga ga about Angelina eating pani puri or something, but once I saw the picture of a herculean man strangling another man who looked…well, not Indian, I read through the article. It was about one of their bodyguards who had strangled a German reporter who was trying to capture a picture of the actors while they were shooting. It was something all journalists would have been doing. Agreed, it is not an easy task to manage a crowd especially in a country like India where celebrities are given a Demi-God status. But hello! That was the limits. The arrogance of the bodyguard stirred some chaos but was hushed off in no time. Surely, the German reporter did nothing wrong. Maybe the media could be blamed (but again not entirely) for the kind of importance they gave to someone, who at the end of the day is just another visitor.
Just a few days had passed by before they were in the news due to a controversy (again!). You must remember this one; it was the scuffle at a school where they were shooting. More than the behavior and the attitude of the bodyguard, this time it was his highly racist avowal that did the rounds. It was very immoral of him to abuse a parent by saying, “you bloody Indians! You bloody Muslims!” what could get worse? They had tested out patience.
That’s it! I thought. Firstly, the parents came to take their children home and nothing can be done by any bodyguard to stop them. Secondly, the shooting time was allotted by the school in such a manner that it would not hinder the working hours of the school, but they started shooting an hour late. Whose fault is it now?
The icing on the cake- Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had nothing to say about the whole thing!
“Get lost” I felt like yelling at them. It was a highly thin-skinned sentiment that they had messed with. It was completely wrong on their part to think that they could come to a foreign land, gush out a few nasty words and actually get away with it (feel like strangling him right away!).
Consequently, after a lot of public pressure, Brad Pitt on a talk show with Barkha Dutt denied all such stories and termed the whole incident as a ‘misunderstanding’ (now, why does that sound familiar?). All he said to rule out the whole controversy was, “Angelina and I have a multi-racial family and we do not discriminate races nor would we employ people who do.” Oh! And one more calm and easy reason, “it is antithetical to what the film is about and we would not encourage such behavior.” Well, Brad darling, we still are waiting for your evidence of the rebuff and a valid reason for your contradiction. Really, talking about your oh-so-plausible movie or your multi-racial family is no ground to rule out controversies.
On the other hand there are many people who believe that the finger must not be pointed at the couple but on the bodyguards alone as they were hired by the production team and were not their personal bodyguards. Well, let me tell you- the crux of the debate is certainly not that! It is whether they at all have to come to India and create such superfluous Misunderstandings? And what did they do to change things? Say sorry? They cannot expect every nation to be another America. They need to realize that there are countries like India were stars are worshipped and shooting in such countries is no piece of cake. Most importantly, if they cannot respect diversities, they must realize that they are just not welcome in India. To add to all the internal issues and problems, if there are a couple of supercilious men who come from some place else to add to the current tribulations- then they do not even have to come here!
Even if there was a conflict here, it was highly irresponsible of them to deny such happenings and support the guards. For heavens sake! There were hundreds of people who had seen this and clippings were shown on all television channels. Denunciation of any such issue is completely silly; all they should have done was apologized to parents who the bodyguard had abused.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

FINALLY, I MADE UP MY MIND TO UPDATE MY BLOG (cheers!!). Well , this happened due to excessive pressure from frens. So i have decided to put up all my old articles here so that u cud read them each day until i write somethin!! Basically, my problem is dat i cant write on the comp and im sooo very lazy to type in my articles...but shell do t soon. Until then just read my old articles. now, this is a short story written by me in tenth grade (yup! dat old.) I din even bother to make any changes!!(lazy ofcourse....)

It was a warm summer evening and thousands of people were enjoying the fair. Oh! The noise, the bright glittering lights, colourful stalls and the merry chatter, how lovely can life get! It was not everyday that one got to be so. Most people strolled around with an expression of awe, they had a lot to do and lost in the frisson, they just did not know where to start. Many kids were frolicking around, sucking candy with an ear-to-ear grin on their face. They ran across the place pushing past people as if they were chasing a shooting star. Others looked at them and smiled. There were some enjoying the rides and some scared to go on them, some who seemed as though they came there just to eat and some lost in the mayhem. Funny, there was also a pale faced woman frantically looking for her small ‘dazzling’ pendant (as she called it) which she had lost. Pity her; I was sure she would not find it!
However, many people made new friends and carried home a cherished memory. Somewhere in the crowd, amid all the hustle and bustle, I saw an old man. He came towards me and stood a few yards away from me looking at the rides, expressionless. Quite awkward wasn’t it? Well, out of curiosity, I approached him and asked him if he was lost or had some problem. At first, he did not reply and he was turning away from him, all I could see was his brownish faded shawl. In a few seconds, he turned around and surprisingly, he had a warm smile on his otherwise rigid and crippled face. He said “no child, I am fine, jus standing’ here thinking about those good ol’ days” without more ado I said “oh! Sorry to disturb you, I just thought you needed help!” and as I turned to walk away, he stopped me by saying “wait, take it from me- don’t just go away from here, have as much fun as possible.” (Ya right! I thought, so was he involved with the event management team or what?) Before I said anything, he pointed out to the merry-go-round and said, “You see the ride there? Life is just like that!” with that he turned and walked away. ‘Weird man’ I thought and merrily went frolicking away humming a song across the lane and made my way home.
It took me a long time to understand what he was trying to tell me, (eham! lets face it-it took me many years). Today, I stand in a comparable frenzied fair except that I have succumbed to age- my body is frail and face wrinkled. The atmosphere of the place filled every sense of mine with joy and just standing there made me feel a lot younger. Deep inside I knew that it was not just the place that fascinated me but mostly my memories of my experiences at the very place. All those memories seemed just so fresh and clear, I have forgotten nothing- not these lights, the food, the rides, the dizziness after the rides and ofcourse not the old man! As though it there was some silent communication, while I thought of the old man I walked towards the merry-go-round. All it took was just to stand beside that whirl of light and colour, my love for the ride simply reawakened. The memories of my childhood haunted me; I wished to get back those carefree days now gone by. I eagerly wish to go on it but I know I cannot, not now, not ever again. I knew I just couldn’t. All I could do was to stand stare at the ride- the rise, fall and the sudden jerks of the ride. It was then that I understood the words of the old man. I have got to agree, he was right “life was like a merry-go-round.” Infact, it was a parody of life itself.
At first, it moves slowly and everyone feels agog, this is childhood. The anonymity of the future keeps the child wanting to explore, learn and enjoy.
Then it moves faster, when everyone enjoys and laughs, this is youth. It is then that life seems beautiful and fun unlimited.
Further, it goes faster and faster and people start madly shouting and screaming. This is manhood and the mad rush to accomplish goals and free oneself from all burdens of life.
It starts slowing down, but this time everyone is sad as the ride is coming to an end. (Needless to explain) and finally it comes to a gradual stop just as the wheel of life ought to stop someday.
At the end of the day, I guess life just seems so playful and easy. Our achievements are all that matter. It was a gloomy thought but it was the plain unpolished truth. That instant I felt like going back in time and completing all the things I have left undone and but I knew it was too late. How I wish I could change the way I lived, change my actions and change the way people know me today. This very thought brought these lines from R.L.Stevenson’s poem into my mind. It feels like these lines are more appropriate to me now, to anyone else in the world;
“Give me the lad that’s gone,
Say could that lad be I.”
Holding back tears and feeling helpless, I turned to make my way home. I walked out of the fair into the dark street; the music still lingered in my ear though it was not heard anymore.