Sunday, October 22, 2006

well... err...hmm...what was I gonna do?... er..oh! blog.

I shall come back and do just that when I think of what to write....until then take care, cya and keep missin me ;-)
( my god! this must be my most informal post ever...Nimmy, what have u done to me?? and Anushka, I finally loosened up!!)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Picture Imperfect.
'Killer virus', 'breeding mosquitoes', 'the big bad bite'… and so on. These have been the headlines dictating every newspaper for over a week now and now, I have become passive to such articles. Well, finally today something really ridiculous caught my eye. It was about two girls in Hyderabad being married off to photographs of grooms in foreign lands. The story read “the trend now, is to perform the marriage to a photo of the groom.” the girls then get to know after days that they were married off to mentally ill guys. Now a case has been filed on the grooms and the middleman. Seriously, how silly can people get? They don’t think before making a move and then create an issue. What were the girls doing atleast? Its about their lives- they have every right to question their future. How ironic, there are so many such insensate things happening around us and guess what? We are talking about India turning into a Singapore in the coming years.
On the lighter side, I am quite contented that for the first ever time any radio station actually played my request (not like I am this maniac who spends money on requests always). Radio Indigo is new and they happened to play my song... in any case I think that the station is a lifesaver for all the other stations are loaded with ads and more over they do not play english music 24/7. Radio Indigo is the true colour of music!! Talking about requests, I just thought I must mention that Anju’s (yes, our very own Lingham!! Lol) first ever letter to the editor got published in the DH Education. Way to go Anju (I am proud of you).